

Filmclub.tv je jednostavan pretraživač video zapisa dostupnih na velikom broju web lokacija trećih lica!


Film-CLUB  ne strimuje,ne hostuje ili čini dostupnim materijal bilo koje vrste.Video zapisi koje Film-CLUB linkuje su hostovani i prikazani sa širokog spektra sajtova trećih lica ,video streaminga i  sajtova TV mreža.
Svaki video snimak prikazan na sajtovima trećih lica je prošao njihove interne stroge provere i procedure i kao što se pretpostavlja da je potpuno odobren za objavljivanje od strane vlasnika sadržaja.
Film-CLUB nije odgovoran za sadržaj eksternih internet sajtova.Film-CLUB nije odgovoran ni za dostupnost takvih sajtova.Sadržaj sajtova trećih lica je van naše kontrole.

Ni jedan video fajl nije hostovan na ovom sajtu ili ovom serveru.Ako verujete da se vaš sadržaj prikazuje na našem sajtu, molimo vas da se obratite direktno sajtu koji hostuje vaš materijal.


It should be noted that filmclub.tv is a simple search engine of videos available at a wide variety of third party websites.


Film-CLUB does not stream, host, communicate or make available content of any kind. The videos that Film-CLUB links to are hosted and shown from a wide range of third party broadcaster, video streaming and TV network websites.
Any videos shown on third party websites have passed their own stringent internal vetting procedures and as such are assumed as fully authorized for publication by the content owners.
Film-CLUB is not responsible for content of external internet sites. Film-CLUB is not responsible for the availability of such third party web sites. The content of such third party web sites is beyond our control.
We neither endorse, make any representations nor accept any liability (whether direct or indirect) for such third party web sites or their content, products or services offered at those web sites, or by their sponsoring companies.

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